About Us

TrainPositions is a train tracking website that aims to provide real-time information about the locations of passenger trains around the world.

At the moment TrainPositions covers the Netherlands, parts of Germany, the United Kingdom and Ireland, however, we are planning to expand the coverage to more countries in the future.

Please note that the actual real-world position of any train may deviate from that reported by TrainPositions, therefore, it should exclusively serve informational purposes and not be employed for any other use.

TrainPositions Logo


TrainPositions relies on the various open data sources in order to provide its services. The data is processed using various sophisticated algorithms in order to obtain the most probable location of the trains. The list of data sources is as listed below.

Please note that TrainPositions is not affiliated with any of the above-mentioned companies.


TrainPositions is a non-profit project and is funded by the creator of the website. If you wish to support the project, you can do so by making a donation using the following link.

Support TrainPositions on Ko-Fi


If you wish to inquire or report a problem, please get in touch with us by sending an email to [email protected]